Sustainable Elevation

Sustainable Living Academy - Reality TV Show - Home Entertainment

Our Sustainable Reality TV Program provides access to sustainable challenges, solutions and applications using entertainment as a vehicle to gain greater exposure to the mass media and general public. The intent of this program is to help people access sustainable information in the privacy of their homes through public media broadcasting.

This program is designed to elevate the interest and support for sustainable living by delivering real-life sustainable challenges and solutions into the homes and hearts of the largest audience possible. Initial shows may be aired through this website, YouTube and other video portals until the production network syndication options become available.

The following Reality TV Program Description provides highlights to the overall opportunity and appeal for this sustainable reality show, however, the show title, plot and format have been withheld in confidence until funding and production collaborations have been established. Click here to Get Involved in this Program.


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Sustainable Living Academy - Sustainable Reality TV Program - Charity - Non-Profit
Reality TV

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Reality TV Program Requirements

The only requirement for participation in this program is a willingness to help with the show funding, production, promotion, syndication or viewing of this sustainable reality TV show.

Mission & Vision

MISSION: To create innovative mass media entertainment through real-life drama and challenges on the ever increasing social, cultural and global topic of sustainability. To present sustainability through mass media formats while providing viewers with family entertainment and practical sustainable solutions they can apply in their every day lives.

VISION: To create a multimedia production that utilizes, television, video, web content and social networking to raise awareness into personal and global sustainability. To present viewers with real-life sustainable considerations, decisions and practical solutions that can be used to bring families, groups and communities into greater alignment with nature.

Reality TV Program Description

Sustainable Living Academy - Reality TV Show - Real Life Entertainment


A Reality TV show must be entertaining to be successful. In reality TV, this is accomplished through a combination of personalities, realism and plot. The plot for this show is unique to any other sustainable reality show, will captivate audiences and appeal to viewers of all ages. This show exposes the risk and challenges to sustainability from a real-life perspective that everyone can relate to. Those who have read the show plot have expressed overwhelming enthusiasm and their interest to watch every episode. Are you interested in Producing, Directing, Filming or being a Participant on This Reality TV Show? Get Involved

Sustainable Living Academy - Reality TV Show - Real Life Drama

Real Drama

Important in any reality TV show is to create realism and drama. These are what audiences want and expect to see in a show and without them; a reality show has little chance of success, however, that doesn’t mean the drama must be authentic. Luckily, when dealing with sustainability and sustaining life, there is little need to fake the realism or drama. The true test of sustainability is to succeed because the alternative of failure can result in imminent death. The show plot along with a life or death risk potential provides a show with natural real-life drama and appeal. Are you interested in Producing, Directing, Filming or being a Participant on This Reality TV Show? Get Involved

Sustainable Living Academy - Reality TV Show - Real Global Appeal

Global Appeal

For a reality TV show to achieve and maintain success, the theme must appeal to a mass audience. With many reality shows, this means a theme on a current event topic, trend or interest. A theme can be designed for regional appeal, however, the theme of sustainability is both cross cultural and global. The topics of eco-friendly, green-building and sustainability are rapidly becoming of major interest in global lifestyles. This show builds on these growing interests and provides an opportunity to elevate the importance of sustainability to an even greater global awareness. Are you interested in Producing, Directing, Filming or being a Participant on This Reality TV Show? Get Involved

Sustainable Living Academy - Reality TV Show - Real Life Education


It may not always be obvious, but every broadcast, movie and reality TV show provides some educational value. Whether it's where to shop, how to cook, what to wear, how to act or what not to say or do, there is always an underlying curiosity in entertainment to learn something new and useful. Given the overwhelming curiosity about sustainability along with a general lack of experience with it, the potential educational interest and value for this show is outstanding. This show provides useful information and practical solutions that viewers can apply towards their own sustainable interests. Are you interested in Producing, Directing, Filming or being a Participant on This Reality TV Show? Get Involved

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